Sunday, December 4, 2011

Álvar Núñez Cabeza De Vaca Journal

Tanya Barragan
Scott Lankford
English 48A
Álvar Núñez Cabeza De Vaca


“After this we had a hot argument with them, for they meant to make slaves of the Indians in our train. We got so angry that we went off forgetting the many Turkish-shaped bows, the many pouches, and the five emerald arrowheads, etc., which we thus lost. And to think we had given these Christians a supply of cowhides and other things that our retainers had carried a long distance.” (47)


Throughout his tenure in Río de la Plata Cabeza de Vaca became well-known and sometimes disliked by his fellow colonists for his partiality toward Indians of the province, requiring that they be paid for goods and services and that they not be molested or abused. It seems likely that this attitude toward native people developed during Álvar Núñez's travel across the North American continent in the 1530s.”


Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca writes in The Relation to the Sacred Caesarian Catholic Majesty, about his lost years and his finds of land and people that he saw and experienced. He writes of the people/Indians that he encountered and their descriptions and way of life. He also writes how at first, many of the Indians were fearful but welcomed and gave them all they could. He tells of his life with the three men he was with and how they lived, ate, and experienced exactly the way the Indians lived. But he mainly writes how he befriended these Indians and learned a lot from them and their way of life and that others did not feel and think the same for them and only wanted them as slaves.



There a lot of ideas that I got from Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and his writing and what he was writing. I feel that after Narváez and his bad leadership, it landed de Vaca in a place with some of the companions that survived along with him, in a place that would be new to them and they would learn a whole lot from it. I think that he didn’t realize at the time that he would come to learn so much from the Indians and grow a liking to them. I got that he was given a spiritual awakening form this experience that would change him for life. I reacted to what de Vaca had to say as a “Wow” because he actually lived and learned from the Indians and taught them things as well. I found him a friend because he didn’t want to take advantage of them but see their way of being and help them.

I responded to de Vaca’s ideas in many ways and the quote that I chose says a lot about him and that’s why I chose it. The argument that de Vaca was talking about, is the one that he had with Alcaraz. Alcaraz and the other countrymen did not want to be friends the Indians but only wanted to make them slaves and take them for all they had. This pissed off de Vaca’s because he was friends with them and found them as equals. I thought that this said something about de Vaca’s and the person that he was.He had grown a relationship with the Indians; it seemed like he cared. He even tried to tell them to leave Alcaraz and the Indians would not listen. I got from this that he wanted to help them and they were so trusting to him that they thought they would get the same treatment from Alcaraz.

The Internet quote says a lot about him and his ideas as well. The fact the he was well-known but many didn’t like him because he wanted rights for the Indians, showed that he was a man who believed that the Indians deserved their rights. This kind of idea shows a man who had grown with the Indians and did not want anyone taking advantage of them. I really liked that de Vaca learned and lived with the Indians because he came to a place with people who were different but kind to him and seemed to be very thankful for that.


Christopher Columbus Journal

Tanya Barragan
Scott Lankford
English 48A
Christopher Columbus


“The pure devotion which I have ever borne to the service of Your Highnesses, and the unmerited wrong that I have suffered, will not permit me to remain silent, although I would fain do so; I pray Your Highnesses to pardon me. I am so ruined as I have said; hitherto I have wept for others; now, Heaven have mercy upon me, and may the earth weep for me.” (35)


“From his very first contact with native people, Columbus had their domination in mind. For example, on October 14, 1492, Columbus wrote in his journal, "with fifty men they can all be subjugated and made to do what is required of them." [5] These were not mere words: after his second voyage, Columbus sent back a consignment of natives to be sold as slaves. [6]


Christopher Columbus writes in Letters to Ferdinand and Isabella the issues and experiences of his voyages but he also writes in the harsh treatment that he was given when failure in them. He writes in his letter to Luis de Santangel, from his first voyage, his discoveries of islands and the names that he has given these islands. But he also writes on the people who he has discovered on the islands; the Natives. He also writes on the beauty and the food that he has discovered. But in his letter to Ferdinand and Isabella on the fourth voyage, he writes about what his whole point was for his voyages and cries about how he had made mistakes and was treated harshly because of it.


Some of the ideas that I got from Christopher Columbus’s voyages and letters is that they only state what he had found and discovered. I also saw that he was whining about how his country, King and Queen treated him and lost faith in him and gave him poor treatment. But I saw this as only his side and what he had gone through and he doesn’t talk about how harshly treated the Natives and maybe the poor treatment that he got from his country, King and Queen was well deserved for his failure and what I call Karma. Because I really don’t like Christopher Columbus, I reacted to his work as boring because I am tired of hearing about his side and what he had done on his voyages. However, I also reacted as seeing a different side of what he went through because even though I have heard about him and his voyages, he was treated horribly because he made many mistakes. Even though he had discovered and gave his country slaves, they lost hope and faith in him. I feel that they got what they wanted from him and when he couldn’t deliver they threw him to the wolves.

The quotes that I chose for the response, explains the ideas that I got from the author. The quote that I chose form the book explains a man who has suffered a great deal, after giving his country entirely all he could give. After Christopher Columbus voyages, there was always something wrong that did and there was a lost of hope with him; however he was always given another chance. I feel that Christopher Columbus was trying to explain in his letter to Ferdinand and Isabella, all he gave and did for them; how could they treat him with such disregard. I also feel that he was explaining with everything he had done he was left with nothing but pain and sorrow, from their cruel treatment to him. But as a country I saw that they did what they had to, to Christopher Columbus, to survive as a country and with his mistakes, it was making their country look bad.

That’s why I chose the Internet quote that I did. With all of Christopher Columbus’s voyages and letters and complaints, about what he went through; he neglects to tell Ferdinand and Isabella that he was sorry for his mistakes. But that’s not all, with all his letters what about the truth about his mean and cruel treatment to the Natives. Why doesn’t he talk about him being a horrible man who only wanted to dominate; in his letter he states that is not what he wanted to do but that is exactly what he did? I think that with he was saying in his letters he was only thinking about him self and what he did but there was so much more to him than that; not in a good way.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

William Bradford Journal

Tanya Barragan
Scott Lankford
English 48A
William Bradford


“And here is to be noted a special providence of God, and a great mercy to this poor people, that here they got seed to plant them corn the next year, or else they might have starved, for they had none, nor any likelihood to get any till the season had been past (as the sequel did manifest).” (118)


Bradford was a corduroy worker, and in 1613 became a new husband with his marriage to his beloved Dorothy May. In 1617 they had a son, John. Life in Holland was not easy, and Bradford’s business life suffered, resulting in a loss of a good bit of his inheritance. His response? His losses were “a correction bestowed by God…for certain decays of internal piety.” A Puritan, was Bradford, to the core.”



William Bradford writes in, Of Plymouth Plantation about the journey him and many others who came from England took, to find new ways. He writes that their main goal was to set forth in Virginia but that did not work out and they were set for another land. He also writes about the journey in the seas and how they came to arrive at Cape Cod. Bradford tells of their arrival and how they had no food and were looking for anything to live by. But his story goes into their meeting with the Indians and how they came to be with each other. In his writing I see a lot of praising God and God being a huge part of they journey and life that Bradford is writing about.


So some of the ideas that I got from Bradford is that he wanted to talk about his life and journey in which he had coming to America. But I also got that he wanted to shed light on God and share that is God who made their journey harsh and rough but is was God who gave them land in a place that was not heard of to Bradford. I reacted to his thoughts, ideas and work as hypocritical because he uses God as his answer for everything and I really didn’t like that. That is why I chose the quote from him and the internet because they explain my response to the author.

My response to the author’s ideas are a little confused; I get that he wanted to bring the word of God but how Bradford uses God at times makes, me feel as though he is using him as an excuse. In History God was everything and people used him to live and thanked him for everything; it is like that now but it was a bigger deal in History. The quote that I chose explains this. These English men are giving thanks to God fro the corn that they had received because they could live another day. I understand that they needed to live and survive but however I saw this as Gods work but not for them. They just took the corn as if it was there for them; this is how these mean thought; the land the food was there for them. It was the Indians who planted and were on land and it was because God had given them the food and land and these men just took it; as if they could take whatever they wanted. They knew that the corn was planted from the Indians because they saw this, but it was God who gave them it; just makes me think what ignorant men.

But that’s why I also chose the Internet quote that I did. This says that Bradford was a true Puritan, who truly believed in God and this is the way he and the Pertains thought. I can’t put down someone for what they believe; especially a strong believer but that doesn’t also make what they believe in, is the right way to think and feel.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thomas Morton Journal

Tanya Barragan
Scott Lankford
English 48A
Thomas Morton


“that they fell upon him as if they would have eaten him; some of them were so violent that they would have a slice with scabbed, and all for haste, until an old soldier (of the Queen’s as the proverb is) that was there by accident, clapped his gun under the weapons and sharply rebuked these worthies for their unworthy practices.” (145)



“Morton and his men began to trade firearms for furs with the local Algonquians, which angered his Pilgrim neighbors in Plymouth. Even worse in the Pilgrim's eyes, Morton celebrated folk traditions such as Maypole dancing, crowned himself the Lord of Misrule, and encouraged fraternizing between the English settlers and the Massachuset. The Maypole of Merrymount was an enormous cedar tree, crowned with antlers and dedicated as an altar to Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and merriment. Over time, Merrymount attracted other settlers who were unhappy with the Puritans.”


Thomas Morton writes in the New English Canaan, about a New life for English settlers. But his story is about the Puritans wanting a new life in the new place that they had found. The Pilgrims and new settlers to the land wanted something different; they were about having rules and things set in their ways. He writes about the Ma-re Mount which was a place with trade and learning for the Indians. But it seemed that the Pilgrims and New settlers were against it; however they did it also. The story is based around the Maypole which was symbolization to Morton. But the story sets itself is about the Separatist and their domination of things and how they wanted to make it their way and no other way.


I didn’t get too many ideas because I really didn’t know what to think about Morton’s work. I actually had to go and read more about him on the Internet to get a better understanding of his work. What I got, is that Morton came to a new land and wanted more of a peaceful life but the Pilgrims and new settlers wanted domination and power and for things to run under their control. I got that Morton was getting across the differences in which he thought and from the Pilgrims and new settlers and that made him an outcast.

I reacted to Morton’s work as a very sad but true story. I wasn’t really that interested in his work but the fact is that he tells things that really happened and I find that honest and heartfelt. I am used to hearing how about the English and the horrible treatment toward the Indians and if anyone tried to help them; they were looked at as different and not wanted and this is what happened in New English Canaan. I think that Morton tells a story about cruel and evil people. They called the Indians savages but they were the savages.

I responded to Morton’s ideas as good but I was a little confused at first. The quote that I chose that gave me a better understanding of his work, explains exactly what the Pilgrims and new settlers were about and I found them to be evil. I was upset that they would celebrate a capture of torture and cruelty to a man for not wanting what they wanted. I think that if they wanted a better life or things their way, why did they leave England, to only do and act the same. It was interesting to read about there evil acts because they were doing it to someone who they thought was evil, a savage for practicing something different, when they themselves were the ones acting in an evil way. But not only that, they too did some of the practices, like trading with the Indians but were out casting one for the same; kind of hypercritical if you ask me.

The internet quote that I chose also explains Morton and his work. It seems that he worked well with the Indians and came to an understanding. He taught them dances, traded with them and was at peace. But the New settlers and Pilgrims were not happy and stared to act cruel to Morton and those who were doing the same. It seemed that they wanted things to be under their control. I think it had a lot to with power because why would they get mad about trading with the Indians and teaching them new things, when they did the same. But I think as new settlers came in with more power and they wanted to make things like England, where they had to run things. They seemed to want to rule and take control which made things hard for those who didn’t follow them.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Jonathan Edwards Journal

Tanya Barragan
Scott Lankford
English 48A
Jonathan Edwards


“He looks upon you as worthy of nothing else to be cast into the fire; He is of purer eyes than to bear to have you in His sight; you are ten thousand times more abominable in His eyes than the most hateful venomous serpent is in ours. You have offended Him infinitely more than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince; and yet it is nothing but His hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment.” (431)


“But no high school kid is ever asked to wrestle with what Edwards was wrestling with as a pastor. When you read "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," you see quickly that Edwards was not falling into this kind of language by accident. He was laboring as a pastor to communicate a reality that he saw in Scripture and that he believed was infinitely important to his people. ”


Jonathan Edwards writes, in Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God about the destruction of evil. But he writes in details that explain that no matter how bad a person is that all the bad things that they do, will catch up with them and they will be doomed to hell. But its just not about them going to hell, it’s about what they do get into hell. Those who follow the way of life that Christ wants them to live and even if there is suffering, will not go to hell. He writes about planning a better life and the ones who think that they can do bad and still plan, hoping that they will escape from the waters of hell; really are not escaping, what they have coming to them. He basically says that God holds they true eternal key to life and if you live a life that is they he wants; it will set you free, but if you are given the chance to live and live a life that is bad; he may let you live but regardless in the end, your destination awaits you in hell.


Wow, there were so many ideas that I got from Edwards, but I will stick with the main ones that I got from him. What I got from Edwards is he wanted to let his congregation know, of the evils that prevail and the consequences that would arise form them. He meant hell! I got and to me it only made sense, if you read Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God that there would be punishment to those who were sinners and not only that, those who thought they could get away with sinning and the punishment would end in hell. I also got from his ideas that there was hope for those who did follow the way of Christ/God and to keep following; so they don’t end up in hell.

There were a few reactions that I for from Edwards. The first reaction was wow this man is telling those who are sinners that hell is their place and there is no hope from what they had done. I thought this was putting fear and his beliefs into his congregation and telling them this was the only way; I really didn’t like that. I didn’t like the fact that he used God and said that he would laugh and mock those who cry to him who need help (433). I may not be a religious person but I do believe in God and always thought that God forgave people and was someone who would not laugh when someone is crying; even of their place was in hell, he wouldn’t do that; all this made me confused and mad. However, I did realize and looked at the fact that Edwards was pastor and this was the way he thought and I can’t get mad because a lot of what he was saying was from the bible and people follow the bible. I don’t think all that comes from the bible is right, but I can’t get mad at those who believe in what they believe in. The fact is a lot of what he was saying I did like, except for that God would laugh and mock.

I really though that Edwards ideas were interesting. The quote that I used was an example of what he was saying how important God was to a person’s life and how he watches them and all their bad that they are doing. He is the one hurting from it and in the end he must cast them into hell because of their sins. But it is something that he doesn’t want to do, but has to do. I liked how he said that no matter what bad someone does, God is holding their hand and hoping to guide them into a better life. But he will guide every person, holding their hand into whatever path they chose for there life.

The quote form the internet is quoting the similar quote that chose. It is example to look beyond what Edwards is saying because there is a lot more to look at. The fact that he was a pastor and what he believed in were his beliefs that he felt. I think this says a lot about Edwards and his ideas because; you may see and read one thing but there could be much more to it. I know that’s how I read some parts and then looked again.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nathaniel Philbrick Journal

Tanya Barragan
Scott Lankford
English 48A
Nathaniel Philbrick


“As Massachusetts moved into the region with outposts of its own, tensions rose between the Pilgrims and the Puritans. But as became increasingly clear, the sheer size of what is now known as the Great Migration meant that Plymouth had no choice but to be shunted aside as it watched dozens of Puritan settlements spring up to the north and south.” (177)


“The book, of course, debunks many of the stories taught to us in elementary school. The “Pilgrims” were only a subset of the entire group who came over initially. The famous “Mayflower Compact” was actually an effort by the Pilgrim group (the Separatists) to get the “Strangers” among them to join in agreement that a single government among the entire group was their best protection against internal and external threats. Its fascinating to see that this simple agreement that people decided among themselves the need for a government to organize them became the seed of the United States a hundred and fifty years later.”


Nathaniel Philbrick writes in Mayflower not only the beginning with the first settlers at Plymouth; the pilgrims with the Wampanoags but the truth with their relationship and the real settlers that came and changed the ways of what the Natives once new. Philbrick tells the story in which the pilgrims and Wampanoags were not the best of friends but relied on each other for trade and food and were in agreement that they both needed each other. However Philbrick also explains that it is the next settlers that came on the Seaflower, were the change of the world of the Natives with their overpowering and new ways and wanted this new land that belonged to the Natives. But he also explains the relationship and bad treatment that they also had with the pilgrims. In all, if anyone got in their way, it was a war or battle to fight for life, land, or fair treatment, which the Natives and Pilgrims would lose in the end.


Some of the ideas that I got from Philbrick is that he wanted to state the truth in our history with what really happened at Plymouth. But I also got that he wanted to share the story of the Pilgrims when they first landed form the Mayflower and their relationship with the Wampanoags. I think because history has taught many of us a story of the first Thanksgiving and it seemed so peaceful; that Philbrick wanted to show the reader that it wasn’t like that at all. But I also got that he was stating everything that happened with other settlers and their treatment to the Natives because this is really the reality and he wanted us to see that and not pretend that their horrible treatment never happened. I reacted to Philbrick’s work as good, because he states the truth. I think that Philbrick telling the real story, gives us an idea of the true facts of history and I liked that because I always like facts.

The statement that I chose was something that really stood out to me. Not only did these new settlers that came from the Seaflower take the land and life form the Natives, but they did the same with the Pilgrims. Even though it was not their land as well, they were there before the new settlers, trying to keep peace with the Natives to survive working with them by trading and they did this for 50 years. But the new settlers came over to the new land and took over trying to over power everyone and they did. There was nothing the Pilgrims could do to change the way these Puritans were doing things and had to step back and follow the new ways. With all this, this is why I liked the Internet quote that I chose because it goes well with Philbrick. The Pilgrims themselves made an agreement with the Natives to survive and live. Forming a government and it was something that lasted and stayed with us until now. Even when the Puritans took over, it was the way they ruled with their government but the Pilgrims and Natives were not given an agreement, it was something they had to do. All this agreement government stuff followed with each settler that kept taking land from what ever Natives and as they kept moving and moving, the agreements and government would follow. Even now, when you think about it, we are under agreement to follow rules, to live and survive.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Medicine Road

Tanya Barragan
Scott Lankford
English 48A
Medicine Road


Lyrics from Mother Earth from
Medicine Road

“Water from the drain
Over flowing from the rain
Dropping rainbow crystals
Blinding to my eye

Dropping one by one
Just a reflection of the sun
As a beam burst through the clouds above the sky
Oh I see it too

Keep taking until there’s nothing left to give
Mother Earth can take away our rights to live”


What makes this band so special is the spirit. The spirit can not be recorded the traditional way of record making, because this band has to be enjoyed LIVE! That is the best way to get the sense of what they are trying to give the listener. For some reason the same spirit is not captured on a recording, because the energy has to have an audience to create the ambience that can only come from the band and audience participation. The result, pure energy.”


Medicine Road is a spiritual group that has been together 4-5 years. Pablo Eagle is the singer, Tom plays the guitar, Skippy-Shredder plays the bass and Dave/David plays the drums and does additional singing. The group has many spiritual songs ranging from jazz, rock and the blues and each song has a meaning behind it. One of there well known songs is, “Mother Earth” that has a great tone and melody to it. All their songs have a great beat and grab you in because of the spirituality behind the words. The main singer Pablo Eagle is of Mayan descent and writes the music.


After watching Medicine Road play live, there were a few ideas that I got from their music. The first idea that came to me was that their music was very spiritual and that they made sure the audience, whoever they may be, can see and feel it. But I also got that their music also had a point and a meaning to it and that was important for the audience to understand also. I honestly reacted to their music as really good. I wasn’t sure what there music was about; I was intrigued and liked it very much. I also really thought that they did a good job at trying to bring the audience in and speak to them, to give them an understanding of what they were all about and their music. I like that they did that and felt them and cheered them on.

I didn’t have a chance to interview Medicine Road but I listened to all their music that they played and took many notes from their music and listen to them on you tube. There is much to be said about what I think the group Medicine Road ideas were all about in their music. The quote or lyric that I chose to write about is something that I really could feel in my soul and that’s why I chose it. To me the lyric from “Mother Earth” came from a sadness from a world a land and peacefulness that isn’t there anymore. I got that they were saying that they could feel and see it but once knew something that was more beautiful and it had been taken away. But there was more to it, it was like they were saying we are the ones destroying and taking the world or land for granted and it can be taken away from us at any moment.

The internet quote gives a great example of what this group is all about; actually before I even found it, I felt exactly what Pablo Eagle was saying in the quote and was right on the dot about what I felt about their music. It does come from spirit and seeing them perform in person, is the best way you can get what they are saying; you can feel it as to watching it on youtube. I think that they were a great group and I liked and enjoyed their music. Thank you for that Scott!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thomas Paine Journal

Tanya Barragan
Scott Lankford
English 48A
Thomas Paine


“As Europe is our market for trade, we ought to form no partial connection with any part of it. It is the true interest of America to steer clear of European connections, which she never can do, while by her dependence on Britain, she is made the makeweight in the scale of British politics” (634)


”Paine's political pamphlet brought the rising revolutionary sentiment into sharp focus by placing blame for the suffering of the colonies directly on the reigning British monarch, George III./ First and foremost, Common Sense advocated an immediate declaration of independence, postulating a special moral obligation of America to the rest of the world. Not long after publication, the spirit of Paine's argument found resonance in the American Declaration of Independence.”


Thomas Paine writes in Common Sense, the politics behind America and Britain. But he also writes the truth in what lies behind the ties of America and every other country. He states the fact in which America is to be a free country, it would have to remain free from all; meaning any other country. He states how many Europeans came to a new land to find a new and better life and if they want to remain free, why would they want to interact with other countries; especially Europe in which they left the Old country for a better life, but especially with Britain. He sates on how America relies too much on Britain and other countries to help make a stronger country but says that they could still be strong without them.


Some of the ideas that I got from Paine were that he wanted to state all facts about countries such as Europe and the pain and sufferings that it was going through. But what I also got was that many of these people that fled to America for a better life but were still relying on Europe; especially Britain for help in this new country. The idea from all this and from he stated, is why would people run from a country when in fact it needed help and was not doing good and what could it really do for the new country. I got that he was stating that would everything would remain the same if they did this and needed to fight for its own freedom. I reacted to Paine’s work as really good because he stated many good points and was trying to help people see and want better from what they already had left.

There are some great thoughts that I got from the Author’s ideas. The quote that I chose, tells in many words, exactly what Paine was trying to get across in Common Sense. As Paine tries to say that we should have no interaction what so ever with any part of Europe. He says this because doing trade or having any kind of business with them; is not moving on in which many Americans wanted to do; since they came from Europe. But Paine also states that no matter how hard we try to not have anything to do with Europe, we in fact have relied on them so much, that it would be hard not to do and still are falling into the Britain politics that many Europeans who came to America, were trying to get away from. My internet quote says all this and that Paine really wanted America to remove itself from Britain. I think in all, Paine was trying to say that for America to be a free country; it would have to free itself from all ties with Europe and America would have to find some way to do this and still be a string country. To not repeat what they came from and were running from.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Lies My Teacher Told Me Gone With The Wind Journal

Tanya Barragan
Scott Lankford
English 48A
Lies My Teacher Told Me Chapter 5 Gone With The Wond


“Except for backsliding on slavery’s role underlying secession, most textbooks now handle the topic with depth and understanding. Why sis they improve? To ask this is to engage in “historiography”-looking at the writing of history. Who wrote this textbook? Of what background? To what audience? When?” (141)


In vintage Loewen fashion, the poster juxtaposes short quotes from a range of high school textbooks currently in use, with excerpts from primary sources that clearly show how textbooks have “lied” by knowingly substituting crowd-pleasing myths for grim and gruesome historical evidence.”


From Lies My Teacher Told Me, by James Loewen in chapter 5, he writes about the issues of racism and slavery and where it comes from. He gives us ideas on what we can do to change the view and how people see and look at them both. He explains that it has a lot t do with history and what is written in our textbooks and what we are taught. He says that our textbooks have a lot to do with the truth and neglect the true facts of racism and slavery. However because the times have changed from before, now textbooks books see and explain the truth and people who have no idea about the truth are shocked. Loewen explains it is a learning experience for many, who don’t know the reality of our history or choose to not acknowledge the truth of it.


The ideas that I got from Loewen in chapter five is that he wants us to see the truth about slavery and racism. However throughout the whole book this is what he is trying to get across. I thought that he used many examples like “Gone With The Wind” to show us that history is filled with lies and most of us were taught to not see the truth about it because people don’t want us to see the truth. I honestly reacted to what he was saying as great because he used great examples and gives us many details from history that point out the facts about slavery and racism.

My response to the Loewen’s ideas is that the truth shall say it all and knowing it is something that all people should know and not deny. The quote that I used is a great example of what Loewen was saying and tells us that things have changes when it comes to the truth. Times have changed and the truth is coming out but that does have a lot to with who is writing the work. Times before there weren’t that many voices heard through writing so the truth about slavery and racism was to a point but always looked at, as it was not so bad and weren’t told the whole facts. However with the times now more people have a say and are telling the truth about our history and what was really behind slavery and racism. Some people don’t or may not believe it but because I was raised on the truth about our history I can understand and not deny what is being said. The quote about Loewen says it all also that history and our texts books have lied to us and there is more truth than some are saying and we should learn and know about the truth.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Olaudah Equiano Journal

Tanya Barragan
Scott Lankford
English 48A
Olaudah Equiano


“I now saw myself deprived of all chance of returning to my native country, or even the least glimpse of hope of gaining the shore, which I now considered as friendly; and I even wished for my former slavery in preference to my present situation, which was filled with horrors of every kind, still heightened of my ignorance of what I was to undergo.” (683)


The best comparison is with Frederick Douglass's Narrative (1845), which follows the three-part pattern of spiritual and slave autobiographical work. Douglass's work depicts the same search for identity involving the attainment of manhood, education, especially the ability to read, and the securing of physical and spiritual liberations. Other connections concentrating on the spiritual conversion account in Chapter 10 of Equiano's work may be made with the Narrative of the Captivity and Restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson and Jonathan Edwards's Personal Narrative.”


The Narrative Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavas Vassa, by Olaudah Equiano is a sad but true story about a young boy who is taken from his family and sold into slavery. This young boy tells a life of which he is sold from master to master and moved form one place to another, by ships and having hardships hit his life that would live with him for the rest of life. However, even with all that he had went through, there were a few good things that came from his life; he was still given a great education and chance to experience things that not all slaves got to experience. At the end he is given his freedom and gets to travel from place to place, not as a slave but as a free man getting to experience the travel in a whole different way from which he was a slave.



I really thought that Olaudah Equiano’s work was full of detail and experience of what he saw and went through in his life. As he tells the story you can hear and picture the truth in what he was trying to tell. I found it sad as many of the things he saw and went through were horrific, but I found it very interesting that he used what he had been through to make a better life for himself and not hold a grudge; it was like he was thankful but not forgetful for his experience in life. I reacted to his work as great and honest. I saw him scared and fearful of many situations that he encountered and learned from each; as they were a new experience for him. He was thankful for the good that he given along the way; as he was taught English and given and education and used it to his advantage; which I found very smart of him to do. I was a little confused as to why he wasn’t angrier at his experience and forgave most of what he had been through. I tried to understand that he accepted the life that was given to him and used it to his knowledge, in his writing.

My response to the Author’s ideas say it the quote that I chose from his story. I think that Olaudah Equiano was trying to say, all he had been through from the moment he was sold was different and a sad experience. However, it was all about to change as he was about to set sail on a new adventure; which was not an adventure at all, but a new horror part of his life. He had a feeling that what he had already been through was not bad compared to what he was going to see and he was clueless as to what it was. I think that this says it all because this is exactly what happens. He comes to a new world, with different people, new things that he had never seen before. Some were good but most were bad because it was all new to him and he had to completely adjust, not only to a new world but a new life. I also think that the Internet quote says it all about his writing and comparing it to Frederick Douglass who also was another wonderful and fantastic writer and their stories are the same. They both express their life in the sadness of what they were going through and hoping and fighting for a better life.